193.4 weather_SA2_2016

shortname weather_SA2_2016
title weather_SA2_2016
creator Ivan Hanigan
abstract This dataset covers all 2016 ABS SA2 areas in NSW (excluding Lord Howe Island), and combine the 2016 SA2 Areas with AWAP weather data for 1991-2020. Version 1: 1991-2018 published 2019-10-11 Version 2: includes data for 2019 and 2020 published 2021-02-16, created by Joseph Van Buskirk.
additional_metadata /home/public_share_data/ResearchData_CAR/Environment_General/Weather_by_Area/weather_SA2_2016
alternate_identifier https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/Environment_General/Weather_by_Area/weather_SA2_2016
associated_party Christy Geromboux
access_rules Public
Recommended Citation Hanigan, I.C., Geromboux, C. & Van Buskirk, J. (2019): ABS Statistical Area 2 (SA2) 2016 combined with AWAP weather data for 1991-2018. CAR. (Dataset). https://osf.io/sf9kg/
licence_code No licence