173.1 traffic_data_council_and_rms

shortname traffic_data_council_and_rms
title traffic_data_council_and_rms
creator Ivan Hanigan
abstract Traffic counts for Bankstown area. Traffic control departments of LGAs monitor traffic on local roads. Councils only count for high-ish load roads, not for all roads in their jurisdiction. Each LGA conducts their traffic data collections independently. Each of the LGAs in the region was approached and out of the 15 LGAs, only 5 responded positively by sending through their data. Some LGAs stated that they were not able to extract the data the way we required (en masse). All of the LGAs which responded currently use Metro Count to collect and extract traffic count data. This is a company which provides the hardware and software to compile the data into reports. Metro Count gave us a copy of their software so that we could extract the data ourselves if the LGA was willing to give us the raw files. LGA traffic counts did not seem to be conducted consistently between areas; time periods, types of road, presentation of data differed. Only some provided geocoding. As with RMS data, counts were available only for limited roads and assumptions would need to be made for all other roads. If we had received all the traffic data from LGAs, the process of compiling the data may have taken some weeks and due to the inconsistency between councils, may not have been highly reliable.
additional_metadata Access is restricted
alternate_identifier https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/Traffic_counts_Sydney/traffic_data_council_and_rms
access_rules The data comes from multiple sources - only the Penrith city council data is restricted for use in air pollution research. The rest of the data are open access, but require permission from the data providers.
Recommended Citation Centre for Safe Air (2015): Traffic count data from various city councils across Sydney including: Randwick-Bondi Junction region, Bankstown, Hawkesbury, RMS roadside collection, Ryde, RTA (from a uni study), Penrith, and Willoughby. CARDAT. (Dataset). https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/Traffic_counts_Sydney/traffic_data_council_and_rms
licence_code other
accessibility Restricted