60.3 CTM_CSIRO_NRDE_Australia_2015
metadata_field | |
shortname | CTM_CSIRO_NRDE_Australia_2015 |
title | CTM_CSIRO_NRDE_Australia_2015 |
creator | CSIRO |
contact_email | car.data@sydney.edu.au |
abstract |
Source-specific Chemical Transport Model (CTM) data for Non-Road Diesel Emissions (NRDE) in Australia 2015 including future projections for various management scenarios. Baseline year is 2018, using emissions inventory from 2018 and meteorological data from 2015. The data is given at a resolution of 3km, 9km, and 27km in NetCDF format, 1 file per day, 24 hours per file. The file variables are as follows: Non-pmcomponents files: float zs[lon,lat] - Surface height (m) float ustar[lon,lat,time] - friction velocity (m/s) float pblh[lon,lat,time] - PBL depth (m) float u[lon,lat,time] - Zonal wind (m/s) float v[lon,lat,time] - Meridional wind (m/s) float temp[lon,lat,time] - Air temperature (K) float PM25_avg[lon,lat,time] - PM25 (1-hour average; start of hour time stamp; surface layer) (ugm3) float NO2_avg[lon,lat,time] - NO2 (1-hour average; start of hour time stamp; surface layer) (ppb) float O3_avg[lon,lat,time] - O3 (1-hour average; start of hour time stamp; surface layer) ppb) pmcomponents: float zs[lon,lat] - Surface height (m) float ustar[lon,lat,time] - friction velocity (m/s) float pblh[lon,lat,time] - PBL depth (m) float u[lon,lat,time] - Zonal wind (m/s) float v[lon,lat,time] - Meridional wind (m/s) float temp[lon,lat,time] - Air temperature (K) float EC_avg[lon,lat,time] - Elemental carbon (1-hour average; start of hour time stamp; surface layer) (ugm3) float SO4_avg[lon,lat,time] - non-seasalt sulfate (1-hour average; start of hour time stamp; surface layer) (ugm3) float NO3_avg[lon,lat,time] - NO3( 1-hour average; start of hour time stamp; surface layer) (ugm3) float NH4_avg[lon,lat,time] - NH4( 1-hour average; start of hour time stamp; surface layer) (ugm3) float SOA_avg[lon,lat,time] - secondary organic aerosols (1-hour average; start of hour time stamp; surface layer) (ugm3) Both pmcomponents and non-pmcomponents files have the dimensions time (hours since 2015-01-01 00:00:00), lon (degrees_east) and lat (degrees_north) Scenarios as defined in the NRDE_CBA project: BAU: business as usual MS1: industry agreement (Non-regulatory) MS2: phased standards (Commonwealth regulation) MS3: best practice standards (Commonwealth regulation) |
additional_metadata | /home/public_share_data/ResearchData_CAR/ResearchProjects_CAR/CTM_CSIRO/CTM_CSIRO_NRDE_Australia_2015 |
alternate_identifier | https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/CTM_CSIRO/CTM_CSIRO_NRDE_Australia_2015 |
associated_party | |
access_rules | Restricted |
Recommended Citation | CSIRO (2021): Non-Road Diesel Emissions (NRDE) Chemical Transport Model (CTM) data for Australia 2015. CSRIO. Downloaded from CARDAT (dataset). https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/CTM_CSIRO/CTM_CSIRO_NRDE_Australia_2015 |
licence_code | No licence |
accessibility |