44.10 AWAP_GRIDS_solar_exposure_1990_2021
metadata_field | |
shortname | AWAP_GRIDS_solar_exposure_1990_2021 |
title | AWAP_GRIDS_solar_exposure_1990_2021 |
creator | Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) |
contact_email | car.data@sydney.edu.au |
abstract | A compilation of gridded daily solar exposure data across Australia, spanning from 1990 to 2021. This dataset provides intricate insights into the spatial and temporal distribution of solar radiation. Represented in EPSG:4283 projection, it facilitates detailed analyses of solar exposure patterns. Although some days may exhibit data gaps due to satellite issues, this dataset remains invaluable for investigating solar radiation trends, quantifying solar energy potential, and informing renewable energy strategies. |
additional_metadata | /home/public_share_data/ResearchData_CAR/Environment_General/AWAP_GRIDS/AWAP_GRIDS_solar_exposure_1990_2021 |
alternate_identifier | https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/Environment_General/AWAP_GRIDS/AWAP_GRIDS_solar_exposure_1990_2021 |
associated_party | |
access_rules | Access by request. Available to all members of CAR. |
Recommended Citation | Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Bureau of Rural Sciences, and CSIRO (2022): Australian Water Availability Project (AWAP) Grid Data 1990-2021. Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Bureau of Rural Sciences, and CSIRO. (Dataset). http://www.bom.gov.au/jsp/awap/solar/archive.jsp?colour=colour&map=solarave&period=daily&area=nat. Downloaded from CARDAT https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/Environment_General/AWAP_GRIDS/AWAP_GRIDS_solar_exposure_1990_2021 |
licence_code | other |
accessibility | CAR |