138.8 Health_stats_deaths_by_age_sex_cause_year_1999_2018

shortname Health_stats_deaths_by_age_sex_cause_year_1999_2018
title Health_stats_deaths_by_age_sex_cause_year_1999_2018
creator NSW Department of Health

NSW deaths by age range, sex, cause and year from 1999 to 2018. Only NSW residents are included. Deaths are classified using ICD-10 classification and distributed according to ICD-10 chapters. Separate ICD-10 chapters on diseases of the nervous system, eye and ear and chapters on conditions relating to pregnancy, perinatal period and congenital diseases are combined into single categories in the analysis.

Rates were age-adjusted using the Australian population as of 30 June 2001. Counts of deaths for the latest year of data include an estimate of the number of deaths occurring in that year but registered in the next year.

LL/UL 95%CI = lower and upper limits of the 95% confidence interval for the point estimate.

Mortality estimates for years up to 2005 are based on Australian Bureau of Statistics death registration data. Data from 2006 onwards were provided by the Australian Coordinating Registry, Cause of Death Unit Record File; the data for the most 2 recent years are preliminary (SAPHaRI, Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence, NSW Ministry of Health)

Please visit the CHeReL Data System (https://www.cherel.org.au/datasets) for further information and discover a wide range of continuously updated core health-related datasets in NSW and the ACT.
additional_metadata /home/public_share_data/ResearchData_CAR/Environment_General/NSW_Dept_of_Health/Health_stats_deaths_by_age_sex_cause_year_1999_2018
alternate_identifier https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/Environment_General/NSW_Dept_of_Health/Health_stats_deaths_by_age_sex_cause_year_1999_2018
access_rules Access by request
Recommended Citation Communicable Diseases Branch and Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence (2019): Deaths by category of cause 1999-2018. HealthStats NSW. (Dataset). www.healthstats.nsw.gov.au. Data downloaded from CARDAT https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/Environment_General/NSW_Dept_of_Health/Health_stats_deaths_by_age_sex_cause_year_1999_2018
licence_code No licence