93.4 Geoscape Residential land
metadata_field | |
shortname | Geoscape Residential land |
title | Geoscape Residential land |
creator | Various |
contact_email | car.data@sydney.edu.au |
abstract | The Geoscape Residential land dataset, derived from the raw Geoscape 2019 product, provides derived data consisting of vector and raster information developed by PSMA. This dataset offers land cover details, including building attributes such as roof outlines and building heights in urban areas; and tree cover data, incorporating height information, and surface cover classification with high-resolution 2m resolution in urban areas and 30m resolution across Australia. |
additional_metadata | Access is restricted |
alternate_identifier | https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/Geoscape/Geoscape Residential land |
associated_party | |
access_rules | Restricted |
Recommended Citation | Various creators (2019): Geoscape residential land 2019. Geoscape PSMA Australia Ltd. Trading. Downloaded from CARDAT (dataset). https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/Geoscape/Geoscape Residential land |
licence_code | other |
accessibility | Restricted |