158.4 SatNO2_2012_2015

shortname SatNO2_2012_2015
title SatNO2_2012_2015
creator Luke Knibbs
abstract Modelled yearly NO2 satellite LUR data for all of Australia my ABS MeshBlock 2011. The SatNO2_2012_2015 data can be adjusted using the coefficient on time from the paper. See Knibbs et al. 2018 Long-term nitrogen dioxide exposure assessment using back-extrapolation of satellite-based land-use regression models for Australia. Environmental Research 163 (2018) 16-25.
additional_metadata Access is restricted
alternate_identifier https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/Satellite_NO2_LUR/SatNO2_2012_2015
access_rules Restricted
Recommended Citation Knibbs, L. (2021): Modelled yearly NO2 Satellite Land Use Regression Data by ABS Meshblock 2011 for Australia 2012-2015. CAR. (Dataset). https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/Satellite_NO2_LUR/SatNO2_2012_2015
licence_code other
accessibility Restricted