164.2 Smoke_Plumes_Perth_2015_2017

shortname Smoke_Plumes_Perth_2015_2017
title Smoke_Plumes_Perth_2015_2017
creator Dr Ivana Ivanova (Curtin Uni)
abstract Final smoke plumes datasets for the period 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2017 used in the report: Earth, wind and fire: Using satellite imagery to map the health efforts of landscape fire smoke on Perth metropolitan residents. The data files are: 1. smoke_plumes_hourly.shp - hourly smoke plumes data digitized from Himawari 8 satellite image product 2. smoke_plumes_daily.shp - daily smoke plumes data created by dissolving the hourly data by calendar date 3. smoke_plume_proportions_by_sa2.shp - daily proportion of ABS Statistical Area (SA2) covered by smoke plumes 4. smoke_plume_proportions_by_bomgrid.shp - daily proportion of Australian Bureau of Meteorology analysis grid (~ 1.5 km x 1.5 km) covered by smoke plumes NB: Also included is a table relating DBCA landscape fires and smoke plumes over the study area - perth_landscape_fire_and_smoke_metadata.csv. The table is only provided as auxiliary information.
additional_metadata /home/public_share_data/ResearchData_CAR/ResearchProjects_CAR/Smoke_Plumes/smoke_plumes_perth_2015_2017
alternate_identifier https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/Smoke_Plumes/smoke_plumes_perth_2015_2017
access_rules Restricted
Recommended Citation Ivanova, I. (2021): Hand digitised smoke plumes datasets for the period 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2017. CAR. (Dataset). https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/Smoke_Plumes/smoke_plumes_perth_2015_2017
licence_code No licence