52.2 CC_in_Aus_grids

shortname CC_in_Aus_grids
title CC_in_Aus_grids
creator CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology (BoM)
abstract Gridded individual model data using WGS84 datum from the full set of climate models (CIMP5). Available for: change data at native model grid, as monthly, seasonal and annual averages; application-ready data at 0.05° (approx. 5 km) grid, as monthly, seasonal and annual averages; and application-ready data at 0.05° (approx. 5 km) grid, as monthly, seasonal and annual 30-year time-series. Gridded daily time-series data are also available for manual delivery. (See more at https://www.climatechangeinaustralia.gov.au/media/ccia/2.2/cms_page_media/878/CCIA_NRM%20DATA%20DELIVERY_1.pdf). To download data with detalied guidelines and instructions, access here https://www.climatechangeinaustralia.gov.au/en/obtain-data/download-datasets/ Each file contains the data for all months as well as annual, summer (djf), autumn (mam), winter (jja), spring (son), wet season (ndjfma) and dry season (mjjaso).
additional_metadata NOT YET PUBLISHED
access_rules Public
Recommended Citation Webb, L. Clarke, J. Hennesy, K. Heady, C. & Erwin, T. (2015): Climate change in Australia: Data delivery. CSIRO & Bureau of Meteorology. (Dataset). https://www.climatechangeinaustralia.gov.au/en/obtain-data/download-datasets/
licence_code No licence