49.9 Bushfire_specific_PM25_Syd_GMR_2006_2020_v1_1
metadata_field | |
shortname | Bushfire_specific_PM25_Syd_GMR_2006_2020_v1_1 |
title | Bushfire_specific_PM25_Syd_GMR_2006_2020_v1_1 |
creator | Joe Van Buskirk and Ivan Hanigan |
contact_email | car.data@sydney.edu.au |
abstract |
This dataset comprises deliverable 1.1 of the Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR) Bushfire Smoke Exposures Project. Source-specific PM2.5 surfaces from bushfires at SA2 resolution. The columns in the data include: Variable name Description Date Date in ymd format, between 01/01/2006 and 31/08/2020 SA2_MAIN16 Nine number code signifying NSW SA2 within the Sydney GMR ClimateZone Broad climate zone category used to calculate 95th percentiles for the region ClimateZone.P95 The 95th percentile for PM2.5 for that climate region, derived from monitoring station values for the period between 2000 and 2018. 2019/2020 are excluded due to the extreme values seem in the 2019/2020 bushfire season. PM25.PopWt Inverse distance weighted PM2.5 estimate, population weighted at the SA2 level using the relevant annual ABS population grid FireFlag Flag obtained from the validated bushfire events database, indicated a validated bushfire event occurring on that day FireImpFlag As above, but with two day lag tolerance. That is, if two bushfire events are separated by two non-bushfire events, these days are ‘imputed’ as bushfire event days Bushfire.pm25 Remainder component of the seasonal trend loess decomposition, provided a bushfire event was observed (FireFlag), and the interpolated PM2.5 exceeded the 95th percentile for the region (PM25.popwt > ClimateZone.P95) Bushfire.pm25.imp Remainder component of the seasonal trend loess decomposition, provided a bushfire event was observed, including imputed days (FireImpFlag), and the interpolated PM2.5 exceeded the 95th percentile for the region (PM25.popwt > ClimateZone.P95). SeasonalTrend The sum of the seasonal and trend components of the STL decomposition. The difference between this and the population weighted value is the ‘remainder’ and is assumed to be the component specific to bushfire smoke in the calculation of the above two variables |
additional_metadata | Access is restricted |
alternate_identifier | https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/Bushfire_Smoke_PM_Exposures/Bushfire_specific_PM25_Syd_GMR_2006_2020_v1_1 |
associated_party | |
access_rules | Restricted |
Recommended Citation | Van Buskirk, J. & Hanigan, I. (2021): Bushfire specific PM25 surface at ABS SA1 for Sydney GMR 2006-2020. CAR. (Dataset). https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/Bushfire_Smoke_PM_Exposures/Bushfire_specific_PM25_Syd_GMR_2006_2020_v1_1 |
licence_code | other |
accessibility | Restricted |