139.3 heat_vulnerability_index_to_abs_sa1_2016

shortname heat_vulnerability_index_to_abs_sa1_2016
title heat_vulnerability_index_to_abs_sa1_2016
creator NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE)
abstract The NSW Heat Vulnerability Index (HVI) dataset identifies areas to monitor where populations in the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of urban heat, as of Summer 2015-2016. HVI utilises indicators for exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity to calculate an overall heat vulnerability index. Expressed through the data, a vulnerability of 1 represents a combination of low exposure, low sensitivity and/or high adaptive capacity. A vulnerability of 5 represents high exposure, high sensitivity and/or low adaptive capacity. The calculation of HVI and the inputs to the exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity indicators are explained in the metadata. The HVI data is aggregated to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1) polygon dataset to enable spatial analysis to support local policy and decision making. It can be used in conjunction with the NSW urban vegetation cover dataset for the same time period for broader analysis of the relationship of heat to green cover. Available from https://datasets.seed.nsw.gov.au/dataset/nsw-heat-vulnerability-index-to-abs-statistical-area-level-1-2016
additional_metadata /home/public_share_data/ResearchData_CAR/Environment_General/NSW_Government_SEED/heat_vulnerability_index_to_abs_sa1_2016
alternate_identifier https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/Environment_General/NSW_Government_SEED/heat_vulnerability_index_to_abs_sa1_2016
access_rules Public CC BY 4.0 International Licence
Recommended Citation NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (2020): Existing Green Assets 2016. NSW Government. (Dataset). https://datasets.seed.nsw.gov.au/dataset/nsw-heat-vulnerability-index-to-abs-statistical-area-level-1-2016. Data downloaded from CARDAT https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/Environment_General/NSW_Government_SEED/heat_vulnerability_index_to_abs_sa1_2016
licence_code CCBY
accessibility CAR