166.1 StreetPro_Navigation_2012

shortname StreetPro_Navigation_2012
title StreetPro_Navigation_2012
creator Pitney Bowes

Vector dataset covering street, address, transport, land use, water, points of interest with additional navigational information, including vehicle dimension restrictions and speed profiles where available. This data was bought from Pitney Bowes (https://www.pitneybowes.com/au) and is kept on the Lismore server.

StreetPro Navigation is the most comprehensive version of the product suite, offering a high performance network for routing, in-car navigation, and logistics needs, including: Street address range information (built using G-NAF) Fully detailed street connectivity of ‘routable’ roads for geocoding and routing purposes. A nodes table with unique identifiers representing the start and end locations of every street segment, and a valence field showing how many street segments connect to each node. Turn restrictions representing routing constraints (e.g. No Right Turn). Road classifications based on a combination of road type and toll.
additional_metadata Access is restricted
alternate_identifier https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/StreetPro/StreetPro_Navigation_2012
access_rules The Pitney Bowes End User Agreement stipulates a variety of restrictions.
Recommended Citation Bowes, P. (2012): StreetPro Navigation 2012. CAR. (Dataset). https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/StreetPro/StreetPro_Navigation_2012
licence_code other
accessibility Restricted