191.3 Surface_Hydrology_GA_2019

shortname Surface_Hydrology_GA_2019
title Surface_Hydrology_GA_2019
creator Crossman, S. & Li, O.
abstract ARCGis files showing national surface water, downloaded from: http://pid.geoscience.gov.au/dataset/ga/83135 (national) This dataset represents Australia’s surface hydrology at a national scale. It includes natural and man-made geographic features such as: watercourse areas, swamps, reservoirs, canals, etc. This product presents hydrology polygon features which will topologically connect with the hydrology line features and forms a complete flow path network for the entire continent of Australia. http://pid.geoscience.gov.au/dataset/ga/83134 (regional) This dataset provides sets of related features classes to be used as the basis of the production of consistent hydrological information. This dataset contains a geometric representation of major hydrographic polygon elements - both natural and artificial. This dataset is the best available data supplied by Jurisdictions and aggregated by Geoscience Australia. It is intended for defining hydrological features with attributes.
additional_metadata /home/public_share_data/ResearchData_CAR/Environment_General/Water_bodies_GA/Surface_Hydrology_GA_2019
alternate_identifier https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/Environment_General/Water_bodies_GA/surface_hydrology_ga_2019
access_rules Access by request. Available to all members of CAR.
Recommended Citation Crossman, S. & Li, O. (2019): Surface Hydrology Polygons (National) - shape file. Geoscience Australia. (Dataset) https://pid.geoscience.gov.au/dataset/ga/83135. Download from CARDAT https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/Environment_General/Water_bodies_GA/surface_hydrology_ga_2019
licence_code CCBY
accessibility CAR