63.2 CTM_UKCEH_daily_global_EMEPWRF_run_2019_2020
metadata_field | |
shortname | CTM_UKCEH_daily_global_EMEPWRF_run_2019_2020 |
title | CTM_UKCEH_daily_global_EMEPWRF_run_2019_2020 |
creator | Massimo Vieno |
contact_email | car.data@sydney.edu.au |
abstract | This is the daily global surface data from our EMEP-WRF run for 2019 and 2020. Massimo Vieno mvi@ceh.ac.uk sent 4 daily files. The “BASE” run has the emissions anthropogenic (htapv2 2010) and from the modelled year for biomass burning included, and “NOFFIRE” where I switched of the biomass burning. |
additional_metadata | /home/public_share_data/ResearchData_CAR/ResearchProjects_CAR/CTM_UKCEH/CTM_UKCEH_daily_global_EMEPWRF_run_2019_2020 |
alternate_identifier | https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/CTM_UKCEH/CTM_UKCEH_daily_global_EMEPWRF_run_2019_2020 |
associated_party | |
access_rules | Restricted |
Recommended Citation | Vieno, M. (2023): CTM_UKCEH_daily_global_EMEPWRF_run_2019_2020. UKCEH. Downloaded from CARDAT (dataset). https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/CTM_UKCEH/CTM_UKCEH_daily_global_EMEPWRF_run_2019_2020 |
licence_code | No licence |
accessibility |