126.1 Noise_EPA_Vic_Melbourne_Map_2014
metadata_field | |
shortname | Noise_EPA_Vic_Melbourne_Map_2014 |
title | Noise_EPA_Vic_Melbourne_Map_2014 |
creator | WSP Acoustics |
contact_email | car.data@sydney.edu.au |
abstract | A compilation of estimated noise exposures across Melbourne during the year 2014, organized by Local Government Area (LGA). This dataset leverages a model incorporating diverse inputs, including building locations, road networks, and traffic data. It provides a detailed spatial representation of noise levels, enabling analyses of environmental noise impacts on urban areas. |
additional_metadata | Access is restricted |
alternate_identifier | https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/Noise_EPA_Vic/Noise_EPA_Vic_Melbourne_Map_2014 |
associated_party | EPA Victoria [commissioned WSP Acoustics] |
access_rules | Restricted. Requires approval from EPA Victoria |
Recommended Citation | EPA Victoria (2014): Noise_EPA_Vic_Melbourne_Map_2014. Victorian Government. Downloaded from CARDAT (dataset). https://cloud.car-dat.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/ResearchProjects_CAR/Noise_EPA_Vic/Noise_EPA_Vic_Melbourne_Map_2014 |
licence_code | other |
accessibility | Restricted |