119.1 Global 1-km Downscaled Population Base Year and Projection Grids Based on the SSPs, v1.01 (2000 – 2100)
metadata_field | |
shortname | NASA_SEDAC_Projected_Population_1km_Global_2000_2100 |
title | Global 1-km Downscaled Population Base Year and Projection Grids Based on the SSPs, v1.01 (2000 – 2100) |
creator | Jing Gao |
contact_email | car.data@sydney.edu.au |
abstract |
The Global 1-km Downscaled Population Base Year and Projection Grids Based on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, Revision 01, data set consists of global urban, rural, and total populaton for the base year 2000, and population projections at ten-year intervals for 2010-2100 at a resolution of 1-km (about 30 arc-seconds), consistent both quantitatively and qualitatively with the SSPs. This 1-km data set is a downscaled version of the one-eighth degree (7.5 arc-minutes) data published in Jones and O’Neill (2016). The downscaling methods were published in Gao (2017). Spatial demographic data are key inputs for the analysis of land use, energy use, and emissions, as well as for the assessment of climate change vulnerability, impacts, and adaptation. The SSPs are developed to support future climate and global change research and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). Projection grids available for: - SSP1 (Sustainability) - SSP2 (Middle of the road) - SSP3 (Regional rivalry) - SSP4 (Inequality) - SSP5 (Fossil-fueled development) |
additional_metadata | NOT YET PUBLISHED |
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Recommended Citation |
Gao, J. 2020. Global 1-km Downscaled Population Base Year and Projection Grids Based on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, Revision 01. Palisades, New York: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). https://doi.org/10.7927/q7z9-9r69. Accessed DD MMM YYYY. Gao, J. 2017. Downscaling Global Spatial Population Projections from 1/8-degree to 1-km Grid Cells. NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-537+STR . https://doi.org/10.5065/D60Z721H. |
licence_code | No licence |
accessibility |