46.8 Biosmoke_UCRH_extended_Farhad_June_2015

shortname Biosmoke_UCRH_extended_Farhad_June_2015
title Biosmoke_UCRH_extended_Farhad_June_2015
creator Farhad Salimi, Ivan Hanigan
abstract Farhad extended the work by Ivan and sent to Geoff in June 2015. Ivan and Farhad are working together now on a new database which is online at http://swish-climate-impact-assessment.github.io/BiosmokeValidatedEvents. This dataset contains validated events of extreme biomass smoke pollution across Australian cities. If you notice an error in these data, please suggest a change with a ‘pull request’. We believe that this will improve the data through community error checking and benefit the whole biomass smoke health research community.
additional_metadata /home/public_share_data/ResearchData_CAR/CAR_staging_area/data_sharing/uploads_from_ivan/Biomass_Smoke_Validated_Events/Biosmoke_UCRH_extended_Farhad_June_2015
access_rules TBA
Recommended Citation Salimi, F. & Hanigan, I. (2016): Biosmoke_UCRH_extended_Farhad_June_2015. CAR. (dataset).
licence_code No licence