46.1 biomass_smoke_events_db_with_wa_ap_monitors

shortname biomass_smoke_events_db_with_wa_ap_monitors
title biomass_smoke_events_db_with_wa_ap_monitors
creator Ivan Hanigan
abstract The Biomass Smoke Events Database with WA Air Pollution Monitors is a collection of validated biomass smoke events, integrated with data from air pollution monitors across Western Australia (WA). The dataset encompasses a wide range of information, including the dates, locations, intensities, and durations of biomass smoke events recorded within WA. Additionally, air pollution monitoring data, specifically focusing on particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), is included to provide detailed insights into air quality during these events. Researchers and stakeholders interested in studying biomass smoke impacts, air quality dynamics, and associated health or environmental effects in WA can leverage this dataset. This is the one with WA AP data in it, which was never published to the open github version due to licence restrictions.
additional_metadata /home/public_share_data/ResearchData_CAR/CAR_staging_area/data_sharing/uploads_from_ivan/Biomass_Smoke_Validated_Events/biomass_smoke_events_db_with_wa_ap_monitors
access_rules Restricted
Recommended Citation
licence_code No licence