157.1 NAAPS_PM25_smoke_forecast_2000_2020

shortname NAAPS_PM25_smoke_forecast_2000_2020
title NAAPS_PM25_smoke_forecast_2000_2020
creator US Naval Research Laboratory
abstract Modelled surface concentrations for dust, smoke, and sulfates, as well as modelled total optical depth of sulfates. More information can be found here https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/aerosol_web/Docs/globaer_model.html. Data is modelled every 6 hours (00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 18:00 Zulu), but only provided (as gifs) when thresholds are exceeded.The data here has been subset to Australia (excluding external territories).
additional_metadata /home/public_share_data/ResearchData_CAR/Environment_General/US_Navy_Research_Laboratory/NAAPS_PM25_smoke_forecast_2000_2020
alternate_identifier https://cloudstor.aarnet.edu.au/plus/f/5175918552
Recommended Citation US Naval Research Laboratory, 2021. NAAPS (Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System) Global Aerosol Model 2000-2020. Available from https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/aerosol/ [accessed 2020-12-11]. Downloaded from the Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research https://cloudstor.aarnet.edu.au/plus/f/5175918552
licence_code other
accessibility CAR