14.4 Air_Pollution_Monitoring_Stations_ACT_all_pollutants_2012_2019

shortname Air_Pollution_Monitoring_Stations_ACT_all_pollutants_2012_2019
title Air_Pollution_Monitoring_Stations_ACT_all_pollutants_2012_2019
creator ACT Health Department
abstract Validated pollutant concentrations and AQI data from three air pollution monitors (Civic, Florey and Monash) in the ACT for 2012-2019 time period. Station locations are given using GDA94 datum. Pollutant’s included are NO2, O3 Hourly, O3 4 hourly, CO hourly, PM10 hourly, PM2.5 hourly, AQI for CO, AQI for NO2, AQI for O3_1hr, AQI for O3_4hr, AQI for PM10, AQI for PM2.5, AQI for the Site.
additional_metadata /home/public_share_data/ResearchData_CAR/Environment_General/Air_Pollution_Monitoring_Stations_ACT/Air_Pollution_Monitoring_Stations_ACT_all_pollutants_2012_2019
alternate_identifier https://cloudstor.aarnet.edu.au/plus/f/4240915917
Recommended Citation ACT Health (ACTGAL) (2020). Air Pollution Monitoring Stations ACT all pollutants 2012-2019. As downloaded from ACT Health (ACTGAL), https://www.data.act.gov.au/Environment/Hourly-Air-Quality-Monitoring/yube-fkv2 [accessed 2020-03-20]. Retrieved from Centre for Air pollution, health and energy Research. https://cloudstor.aarnet.edu.au/plus/f/4240915917
licence_code CCBY
accessibility CAR