39.5 AWAP_GRIDS_2019

shortname AWAP_GRIDS_2019
title AWAP_GRIDS_2019
creator Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) & CSIRO
abstract We utilized the gridded meteorological datasets for 2019 Australia from the Australian Water Availability Project (AWAP), a partnership of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Bureau of Rural Sciences, and CSIRO (http://www.bom.gov.au/jsp/awap/). These data are estimated for each pixel of a grid with a resolution of 0.05 x 0.05 decimal degrees (approximately five x five kilometres) using a spatial model. We used an open source R package to download and format the AWAP grids (https://github.com/swish-climate-impact-assessment/awaptools). More info is available about the weather data creation at http://www.bom.gov.au/amm/docs/2009/jones.pdf
additional_metadata /home/public_share_data/ResearchData_CAR/Environment_General/AWAP_GRIDS/AWAP_GRIDS_2019
alternate_identifier https://cloudstor.aarnet.edu.au/plus/f/4217540532
Recommended Citation (AWAP) Grid Data 2019. Published by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Bureau of Rural Sciences, and CSIRO. Retrieved from Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research. https://cloudstor.aarnet.edu.au/plus/f/4217540532
licence_code No licence