22.2 BLANkET_daily_average_pm25_2010_2019

shortname BLANkET_daily_average_pm25_2010_2019
title BLANkET_daily_average_pm25_2010_2019
creator Environment Protection Authority Tas (EPA Tas)

The Base Line Air Network of EPA Tasmania (BLANkET) is a network of small air quality stations reporting near real-time indicative particle concentration data (e.g. from smoke or dust) to EPA Tasmania’s public web pages. The stations also collect and report meteorological data (air temperature, wind speed, etc.).

The purpose is to obtain air quality data in Tasmania away from the major air stations at Hobart, Launceston, Devonport, and George Town. It monitors the spatial extent of smoke events produced by planned burns each autumn, wood smoke produced in winter by domestic heaters, bushfire smoke in summer, and provides a general measure of air quality at other times.

The most recent data is available in realtime from https://epa.tas.gov.au/air/live/particle_data.txt. Indicative PM2.5 and PM10 measures are given in units of micrograms/m^3. Time is in AEST.

The data is automatically recorded at 1 am each morning with the previous day of data (day-averaged PM2.5).

BLANkET data is automatically produced using DustTrak monitors, with no human intervention and only a few automated QA checks. it is ‘level 0’ data, and users should talk (extensively) to EPA Tas before and when they are analysing it.

More information can be found here: https://epa.tas.gov.au/epa/air/monitoring-air-pollution/real-time-air-quality-data-for-tasmania/interpreting-blanket-data
additional_metadata /home/public_share_data/ResearchData_CAR/Environment_General/Air_Pollution_Monitoring_Stations_TAS/BLANkET_average_daily_PM25_2010_2019
alternate_identifier https://cloudstor.aarnet.edu.au/plus/f/4214943333
Recommended Citation Environmental Protection Agency, Tasmania, 2020. Base Line Air Network of EPA Tasmania (BLANkET) data 2010-2019. Downloaded from the Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research https://cloudstor.aarnet.edu.au/plus/f/4214943333
licence_code other
accessibility CAR