52.5 CTM_CSIRO_Shipping_PM25_Sydney_2010_2011

shortname CTM_CSIRO_Shipping_PM25_Sydney_2010_2011
title CTM_CSIRO_Shipping_PM25_Sydney_2010_2011
creator Martin Cope

PM2.5 (ug/m3) annual average of 24h averages from CSIRO shipping data – CMAQ dispersion model data provided for financial year 2010/11: 1km2 grid cell data blended with monitor data.

Provided by Richard Broome (from Martin Cope original data)

additional_metadata Access is restricted
alternate_identifier https://cloudstor.aarnet.edu.au/plus/f/1718142673
associated_party Richard Broome [role: creation of publishable derived data from data provided] Ivan Hanigan [role: creation of publishable derived data from data provided]
access_rules Available on request. Email to
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licence_code other
accessibility Restricted