A Querying NAPMD

NAPMD can be accessed via:

  • an API (requiring an API username and password), or
  • Postgres connection (requiring a database username and password).

The instructions that follow are aimed primarily at R users. To use R, you will need to install both R and RStudio.

A.1 Using API with R napmdtools package

R functions that interface with the NAPMD API can be found in the napmdtools package. See the package repository and instructions here.

A.2 Via DB connection with R RPostgreSQL package

Connect to the database with the following:

# Load RPostgreSQL library

# Load the PostgreSQL driver
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")

## create your password
## Either (NOTE: this window can open in the background, so you might need to minimise RStudio to see it.
postgres_pwd <- askpass::askpass(prompt = "Please enter your password: ")
## OR
# postgres_pwd <- "<your_password>"

## Create a connection to the postgres database 
ch <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "postgis_car",
                host = "<server_name>", port = 5432,
                user = "<user_name>", password = postgres_pwd)


Once connect, use the dbGetQuery function to query with the database using SQL. For example:

df.mons  <- dbGetQuery(ch, "SELECT * from air_pollution_monitors.ap_monitor_data_master 
                       where state = 'SA'
                       limit 100;")

For geospatial work, you can read the locations tables directly into an sf or SpatVector (terra) object through the rpostgis package:

# read as sf object
sf.mons <- rpostgis::pgGetGeom(ch, 
                               c("air_pollution_monitors", "ap_monitor_locations_act"), 
                               geom = "geom_gda94",
                               returnclass = "sf")
# or as terra SpatVector
v.mons <- rpostgis::pgGetGeom(ch, 
                              c("air_pollution_monitors", "ap_monitor_locations_act"), 
                              geom = "geom_gda94",
                              returnclass = "terra")

A.3 Example SQL queries

A.3.1 Geospatial data (station locations)

Please note the table include latitude and longitude (EPSG:4283) fields. Geometry is stored using the PostGIS extension in the geom_gda94 (EPSG:4283) and geom_albers (EPSG:3577) columns.

To get specific state/territory information, query the individual state/territory table.

FROM air_pollution_monitors.ap_monitor_locations_nsw

Or query for all states and territories, retrieving common fields

FROM air_pollution_monitors.ap_monitor_locations_master

A.3.2 Stations by parameter

Get all stations by variable:

FROM air_pollution_monitors.ap_monitor_locations_master l
WHERE l.station_id IN 
(SELECT d.station_id 
 FROM air_pollution_monitors.ap_monitor_data_master d
 WHERE d.variable ='co');

Get all stations by year and variable:

FROM air_pollution_monitors.ap_monitor_locations_master l
WHERE l.station_id IN 
(SELECT d.station_id 
 FROM air_pollution_monitors.ap_monitor_data_master d
 WHERE d.year = 2010
 AND d.variable ='co');

Get stations by variable, year and state

FROM air_pollution_monitors.ap_monitor_locations_sa l
    (SELECT 1 FROM air_pollution_monitors.ap_monitor_data_sa_2015 d
     WHERE l.station_id = d.station_id
     AND d.variable ='pm25')
ORDER BY l.station DESC;

A.3.3 Observation data

Get hourly data by state and year (fastest to query the child table):

SELECT * FROM air_pollution_monitors.ap_monitor_data_wa_2020;

Get hourly data by year and variable:

SELECT * FROM air_pollution_monitors.ap_monitor_data_master
WHERE year = 2020
AND variable ='no2';

Get hourly data by variable and state:

SELECT * FROM air_pollution_monitors.ap_monitor_data_master
WHERE state = 'SA'
AND variable ='pm10';

Get hourly data by variable for multiple states:

SELECT * FROM air_pollution_monitors.ap_monitor_data_master
WHERE state in ('SA','VIC')
AND variable ='pm10';

Get hourly data by state for multiple variables:

SELECT * FROM air_pollution_monitors.ap_monitor_data_master
WHERE state = 'ACT'
AND variable in ('no2','o3');")