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Welcome to the CARDAT platform

The Clean Air and health Research Data and Analysis Technology (CARDAT) platform is a collection of IT infrastructure that enables easy data sharing and reuse, and supports reproducible data analysis. This online research platform collates a wide array of population, health and environmental datasets alongside a collection of analysis tools and methodology resources.

CARDAT is overseen by the Centre for Safe Air (CSA) and WHO Collaborating Centre for Climate Change and Health Impact Assessment (WHOCC-CCHIA). Its mission is to provide data, methods and tools to support research and analysis in the fields of air pollution, energy and health.

Key areas

Data sharing: The CARDAT data repository, which contains datasets from a variety of sources (commercial, governmental, academic). Depending on the individual dataset licence and restrictions, these may be shared with researchers.

Data tools and workflows: CARDAT maintains a code repository to aid reproducible research and development of new workflows.

Data science support: CARDAT provides data science support to the Centre for Safe Air and WHO Collaborating Centre for Climate Change and Health Impact Assessment projects. Additionally, CARDAT supports training events with materials and workflows as needed.