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Access to CARDAT Data

CARDAT holds data at varying levels of restriction and access. Access is administered by the CARDAT data management team - contact car.data@sydney.edu.au for assistance with any of the below.


This subset of CARDAT datasets does not require particular permission from the data owner for access and is open to all CSA members. Those outside of CSA may be granted access:

  • if requested by a CSA Chief Investigator (CI) / Assistant Investigator (AI), or
  • with approval from the CARES subcommittee.

National Air Pollution Monitor Database (NAPMD)

NAPMD is a collation of air pollution monitoring data from all Australian state and territory government agencies. See the NAPMD landing page for more information about the database and how to access it.

Restricted datasets

Access to restricted datasets is given on a case-by-case basis, subject to the conditions and licensing imposed by the data owner. Submit a data access request using the Data Access Request form and the CARDAT data management team will respond within a few days.